Bee The Buzz

Oct 8, 2024

Become a BeeChintzy Agent and Bee The Buzz!

BeeChintzy Agency Model

The Beechintzy Agency Model allows agents of BeeChintzy to create and manage a cohort of merchants and locations.  For each merchant/location subscribed to BeeChintzy through the Agency Model, BeeChintzy will pay the agent a monthly or annual fee. 

The Agency Model offers an agent two methods for engaging merchants; By Invitation and By Claim.  Let’s dive deeper into each:

Agency Engagement By Invitation

In this model an agent is provided with a registration URL to be shared with prospective merchants.  The agent shares this URL with a prospective merchant, and when the merchant uses this URL to register on the BeeChintzy platform, their account is linked to the agent.  The agent is then paid for each subscription completed by the merchant for as long as the merchant remains subscribed to the BeeChintzy platform.

The BeeChintzy support team will work with the agent to register their unique agent code, distribute the agent code to prospective merchants and provide monthly statements of account.

This version of Agency Engagement relies on the merchant to complete account creation, location creation and subscription; after which the agent can begin receiving monthly or annual payments (depending on the subscription type selected by the merchant). The BeeChintzy Agent receives a portion of the subscription proceeds for each subsequent location created by the merchant. 


Agency Engagement By Claim

In this model, an agent is provided with an agent account on the BeeChintzy merchant platform (  With this account, the agent can create 1 to many locations in the same way that a merchant would create a location.  Upon creation of the location, the agent is presented with an opportunity to invite a merchant to “claim” the location as their own.  The merchant does this as follows:

  1. The agent creates a location in their BeeChintzy dashboard.

  2. Using the BeeChintzy dashboard, the agent sends a “Claim Your Location” email to the prospective merchant with instructions on how to claim their location.

  3. The prospective merchant clicks on the “Claim Your Location” button to begin the claim process and is redirected to the merchant registration page.

  4. The merchant will either create a BeeChintzy account (or log in to their existing BeeChintzy account).

  5. Upon success account creation and/or login, the location created by the agent and shared with the merchant will be transferred to the merchant’s BeeChintzy account.

  6. The merchant may now complete their location subscription, take control of the location and begin publishing offers.

The BeeChintzy support team will work with the agent to register their BeeChintzy account as an agency account, after which the Agent can begin engaging merchants.

This version of Agency Engagement relies on the agent to complete location creation and then share the location with their prospective merchant.  Once a merchant has accepted the claim invitation, the agent can begin receiving monthly or annual payments (depending on the subscription type selected by the merchant). In this model, only the claimed location’s subscription is shared with the Agent.  Should a merchant add additional locations to their account, the new location subscription fees are not shared with the Agent.

This model works best when dealing with single-location merchants by providing them with a head-start on engaging with the BeeChintzy platform. 

Which Model is Best for Me and my Merchants?

As a BeeChintzy agent, you can choose which engagement model works best for each prospective merchant:

  • For merchants with 1 location, use the Agency By Claim process to speed adoption and engage more fully with the merchant and their location.

  • For merchants with more than 1 location use the Agency By Claim process for each location you create.  This model is great when, as an agent, you want to provide concierge-level service while creating locations.

  • For merchants with more than one location and who wish to create their own locations, use the Agency by Invitation process.  This links your agency to every location created by the merchant upon their successful creation of an account through the invitation process.

Become a BeeChintzy Agent

To become a BeeChintzy agent, simply reach out to us and we’ll get the process started.  Connect with us by email at or schedule an appointment


Some useful definitions…

Agent: A person or organization that wishes to promote, and get paid for promoting, BeeChintzy to merchants in their area.

Merchant: A person or organization that operates a business or businesses and wants to use BeeChintzy to engage local consumers.  A merchant may have 1 to many locations and each location has 1 subscription.

Location: A place of business that wishes to use BeeChintzy to engage location consumers.  A location can publish 0-n offers which are delivered to BeeChintzy consumers in their immediate area AND to followers of the location where ever those followers may be.


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